Saturday, January 9, 2010


sorry i haven't post anything in forever to begin.

i would like your permission to give a brief summary of some experiences that have happened to me up to this point. i've made some major decisions on my future that i hope are the right things to do, i've made some good and great friends (who i feel will be in my future because they are just like that), and i have an amazing opportunity right now to start "making a name for myself".

since you are reading, i obviously have your permission to continue.

one of the decisions i've made basically is to not continue on for my third degree. for those that didn't know i was going to go for a fifth year to receive a third degree. my degrees would have been an associates in culinary arts, a bachelors in food service management (a business degree), and an associates in nutrition. i'm no longer doing this route because i feel better opportunities are to found on an alternate path.

the friends i've began to form relationships with are the kind of people you want your children to be friends with, on most days. they are there for me when i need them, and i them. we encourage each other, help with problems, and also are forming bonds daily.

the afore-mentioned opportunity is that JWU & the nutrition club that i am a part of are holding a "Nutritious CookBook Competition" and we are in full swing of creating this cookbook. a little more about it, basically any JWU student of faculty member may submit a recipe for editing and testing to the club. once we have received the recipes we "run them through" a program called ESHA. ESHA breaks down the nutritional values of each ingredient and also the dish or food item as a whole. after ESHA if the recipe is "up to par" we then test the recipes that made it to "level 2". in testing we are in the kitchen making each recipe if they make it past level 2 then they are in the final draft. then off to the publisher!

so that's just my little amazing opportunity!

i'm thinking of starting on a cookbook...BUT i need recipe testers. i need about 25 people who are willing to test the recipes that i email to them and write reviews on them. my idea for the book is start with novice recipes and techniques then build up to more advanced recipes that require advanced techniques. my reason for the gradual progression is to take the novice on a journey from the stage of basics to the stage of a "home chef".

i want to spread this process out over six months to a year so that the testing has time for details and it's not expensive for the testers.

can i get feedback on this idea, if you can tell your cook friends about the idea and see if they are interested in testing. if you are interested e-mail me at

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