Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I hope everyone notices all the changes that have been made and likes them!

To begin this post I'd just like to thank those of you who read this, so thank you.

To play on that thank you, I have another thanks to give away, and that is to an amazing chef, speaker, and man. This thank you, goes to Chef Peter Reinhart. Chef Reinhart recently gave a speech to a club that I am in, and in this speech he speaks not as a chef, but as an intelectual. I personally am an intelectual being. The reason I must make this thanks is I have a new view on food, life, and myself. I know sounds crazy right? It's not. Let me explain why, then I will jump back to his speech.

Recently I've done a lot of soul searching, mind searching, and questioning. I've done this of late simply because I want, no need to know who I am. Everyone shares the same basic needs, shelter, water, and food...ahh what is that? Did I say food? I did. You may not have realized it, but the title of this blog is "Journey of an Aspiring Chef". What do chefs do? Exactly, I know you just answered it in your mind. Food, that is what we do. So, now I know that I have a duty and that duty is to provide food for the hungry, but my life's dream has been to inspire people through my food. "How am I to do that?" I've often wondered. I hope you are doing the same. If you aren't I ask that you start pondering how are you going to inspire with your life. I am going to tell you how I am going to with mine.

Jumping backwards now. In Chef's speech, he mentions Dante, now when quoting Dante chef is referring to our lives and everything in them. Dante said, "You can't understand the three deeper levels unless you first understand the literal." what are these "three deeper levels" you ask. Ah what are they indeed?
First, we begin with the obvious: literal, very self explanatory
                                                     metaphoric or the poetic level
                                                     political or the ethical level
                                                     mystical or more commonly called the anagogical level.

Now, you know of the four levels, what do these have to do with cooking? That was my question. I soon found the answer. Thinking back to Dante, I realized that in order to inspire i had to understand, but in order to understand i had to try. Now that is where the title of this post comes into play. "New" I've done a post on new things before, but that was my new literal life, now this is the three deeper levels of new. From here on this blog will no longer be about my literal life, but the deeper more who I am and what I'm doing to inspire others and myself.

I leave you for now with a task and a blessing. First the task. Share this with others, I'd love for people to read and hopefully benefit and be inspired by this as i live and write it.

Now for your blessing. May your hunger for food be satisfied with wholesomeness, and your hunger for life, love, and happiness satisfied with knowledge and enlightenment.

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