Friday, May 22, 2009

the real begining of my journey

school is over, graduation is quickly aproaching, and i'm getting nervous. i just got back from senior trip, it was great. i got my financial information today and that's when i realized that it was really here. i'm going to college. everything i've done up to this point is about to show what i've been made into. i was watching a movie and the line "who you become now will shape the man you will be", that line is standing out in my mind.

so on the 13 hour trip back from vaca, i started thinking about that line. (lots of time to think right?) who am i? i've been thinking about that a lot recently and i've come to a realization that i'm not ready to find out who i really am. i'm afraid, i'm not ready to find out what is coming.

so me being the person i am...i'm going to go full force at it. i'm going to find out who i am. i thought i knew, but thinking (for 13 hours) i realized i didn't. i'm giving myself this summer to figure out what i can. :)

then at the end of this summer i will start the begining of the rest of my life. i'm going to college.

i hope that this blog will help me to find out who i am by posting thoughts and whatnot and getting your feedback.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 2

so, it's day two, and i'm just going to put this short little post on to let people know some more about me.

for the past three years (my high school career) i have been in culinary arts courses. these courses have helped me to learn many things that i didn't know about the culinary world. in these courses, i have competed in the "star events", that's to say that i have put hours of work into representing my fccla chapter. for the past two years, i have competed, to be more specific, in the culinary competition. my team has done fair both years, in our minds, coming from where we come, we did great.

so now to continue on. i'm taking my dreams and running for the touchdown, i'm going all the way. i don't plan on letting things obscure my vision, there is a plan for me, and i plan on going with it. i'm going to write my own destiny.

i have to add some people to a special list that is close to my heart. on top of the list of inspirations, i want to add my closest friends. beging this list is my family, yes i know i said friends, but they are my friends, then mar, amanda, lilly sue kunsman, dalton, auntie angie, the "library crew" my life has so many people in it who i know love me, and i've just started considering that. yeah, i'm growing up. lol.

that's all for today, i'm not going to post everyday, some days i may have something small to add, or i may add something like i've just done.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


so, i begin my journey. i don't really know what to put yet.

uhm, i guess i'll start by saying a little about me.

my name is danny wilhoit, i'm graduating high school early. i'll receive my diploma early. i'm going to be attending johnson and wales university. (in case you haven't noticed, i don't like to capitalize anything). i've taken the hardest classes, and tried the hardest(lol) in all my classes, to get to where i am today. as a teen would i do that by choice? no, i wouldn't. i'd rather take it the easy way. who do i have to thank for all that hard work? my mom. she alway pushed me to succeed, she was my "pusher" she pushed me in everything i did.

inspiration, yeah that can't go to one person or thing, so let's start with people. my mom, of course, my nana, mrs. nancy rutherford, and anyone who asks for something cooked. now, for the "things" that inspire me... many things, a sunny or rainy day, a picture, a compliment, or sometimes even an insult. inspirations are everywhere, there is no reason to not be inspired in life.

i know, i've written a lot at this point, and if you've read to here, thanks. i'll be blogging frequently, especially when i go to college, i want the people who i love to know what is going on in my life.