Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just Another Post

Wow, the way people change, no grow up. 

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." - 1 Corinthians 13:11 

Quick rundown of what's in the post: Some things I've done, Some things that have happened, and some thoughts that stay in my mind recently. 

Some things I've done recently the one that is standing out most in my mind is the Martin Yan Event. May I just say "WOW"? What an amazing man. Not only his cooking skills, but his personality, his mind, and his heart. Chef Yan is one of the most humble people I have ever personally met, one of the smartest people I have met, and one of the best chefs I've had the privilege to be in the same kitchen as. All of the is what makes Chef Yan who he is. 

Recent happenings are things like finding out that the cookbook will be here by the end of the month (Super excited), meeting with the Dean of the College of Culinary Arts and finding out that next year the cookbook is going to be even more responsibility, and even more changes coming your way (more about that in the thoughts).

Thoughts; wow; I don't even know where to begin with that. I'm going to let you preview what is going through my mind right now, ready? I hope so, because we're going....NOW. Music in the background, roommate on facebook, I'm really doing this right now, will he answer his phone, suite-mate just walked by the room, skype just popped, im from becca, oh is that a text, I need to finish reading my homework for Traditional European Cuisine (TEC), TEC, dangit, TEC practical in the morning, I'm stewing, I have to prepare my stew, technique, technique, technique, wow, i'm tired, change, determination, I have to iron my jacket, TA, technique, read another book about cooking. These things are all going through my mind quickly right now. I'm always thinking about to many things to keep my mind in one place...this may be why I don't sleep to much. If you read that really fast then you'll know almost what I'm thinking.
My thoughts usually stay on foods, ingredients, techniques, different methods, dishes, platings, techniques, single ingredients into dishes. I go to sleep thinking about food and wake up thinking about food. It's weird, if I don't have a conversation about food and cooking during the day then I start to think even more about it. I have to somehow learn to separate "Industry" from "World". That is my current goal, it's been like this for about a month now. 

May your hunger for food be satisfied with wholesomeness, and your hunger for life, love, and happiness satisfied with knowledge and enlightenment.

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