Monday, February 22, 2010


No man knows what the future holds, why is this? Because the future is the time yet to come.

Recently in my life things have been changing, these changes that have occurred, I've only just realized are extreme. When did i realize this? The time when the greatest thoughts are thought, in the shower. What was I thinking about in this shower? Well, allow me to rewind just a bit and I will explain everything.

Moving back to when I first started at JWU...Johnson & Wales has student employees that are called T.A.'s, or Teaching Assistants. These T.A.'s are the best of the best, must have their associate's degree, and be able to teach a class....back to today.

Now, let's go back to about 4 days (from the time I'm typing this). This is a Thursday, on this Thursday I was working a very special event for a very special person. When I was first offered this event I immediately accepted, but everyday I doubt myself and my skills. Why do I doubt, because there is someone better than me in every aspect of life. Because of this doubt, I'd never considered being a T.A. but this event made me change my mind. After working with a T.A. beginning to realize that my name is on every call list for special events, and realizing just how popular my name is in the office that would be the deciding office of my employment I am now going to apply (after I get my degree) and become a T.A...back to the present.

I was reflecting on my past more and more recently. I've found things in my mind that have been locked away deep inside the darkest and farthest recesses of my mind. Things that randomly are coming back to me. I've always said that if the only reason to love history is so that it doesn't repeat itself. Now learning about my history that I've kept hidden for so long, I'm thankful to say that I haven't made the same mistakes twice, but Instead I'm doing the opposite. I'm changing into who I want to be more and more everyday.

My future holds many unknown challenges, tasks, and that mountain that I'm going to go rock climbing on before i'm 20...Oh yeah and some free-falling in there somewhere. What will my future bring, I think that it will bring many welcomed things and many needed things. The people that are in my life right now, I hope they stay that way.

I'd like to leave you with my blessing. May your hunger for food be satisfied with wholesomeness, and your hunger for life, love, and happiness satisfied with knowledge and enlightenment.

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