Sunday, August 30, 2009


tomorrow morning i leave for my new life.  some of the questions i've gotten, i really can't answer, and some i can. examples? sure.

"are you ready?" "no, i don't wanna go now that it's down to it. i've made sooo many new friends, and i've found so many things that i don't want to leave behind." now while that's true, i'm really ready. "yes i'm ready, i'm ready to begin a new life, a new chapter to my story, and a make new friends that i don't wanna leave."

"are you scared?" "really did you just ask me that." no that's not a question, it's a statement. "no, i'm not scared, i'm me i have no fear. *shudders*" "YES I'M SCARED."

"need anything?" "nope." "yep, all the prayer i can get."

"are you gonna miss me, even a little?" "no, really i'm not." "i'm gonna miss you sooo much you don't even know."

"if you need to talk, you know you can call me, right?" "yeah i know that, thanks."

"are you gonna cry?" "i haven't quit since this morning."

so there's some "q's & a's" i don't have the first clue what i'm getting myself into, but imma go at it with everything i've got. *quavery smile*

tomorrow i'll post some pics of my dorm and the campus and whatnot. thanks for subscribing. it let's me know there is people reading about me.

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